Web Application

What we do
- Development of Web Applications Integrated backend and frontend development
- Hosting Assist in hosting in the cloud or in-house (using NGINX)
- Maintenance Fix bugs or make alterations to existing websites
- IO Completion Port
- Using MS Windows to develop for Raspberry Pi
- Some Notes on Direct2D
- UML Diagram of a Solution to Expression Problem
- Version Control for General Use
- Why Functional Programming works for the Eight Queens Problem.
- Wiener Filtering using OpenCV
- WPF Animation without XAML
- Sudoku Solver
- More….
- On Computing the Fibonacci Number in O(log(n))
- C++ Idioms for handling Tuples
- Machine Learning with C++ MLPack on Windows
- Unit Testing with Boost in Visual Studio
- No Raw Pointers
- Asio: A Brief Introduction for the Windows Programmer
- Web Server Using C++ – Asio
- C++ Multithreading: Promise and Future
- PThreads: An Introduction for Windows Programmers
- Evolve existing multi-threaded code to use C++ 14
- Template Meta Programming: Part II SFINAE
- Template Meta Programming in C++: A Gentle Introduction – Part I : Template Specialisation
- More….
- Linear-Search based algorithm for Mth Lexicographic ordering of Mathematical Permutation and Combination
- Is Dijkstra Wrong? Another look at the Dutch National Flag problem
- On Computing Prime Numbers
- Sudoku Solver
- Depth First Game Trees
- Breadth First Search
- “Water buckets” Problem
- On Computing the Fibonacci Number in O(log(n))
- TARGET Solver
- Brainvita Solution
- Master Mind Solver
- Serial Number
- More….
- WebAuth An Openresty based web server demonstating the use of Redis for Web Authentication & Authorisation
- CppLinq A Linq library for C++ forked from Berrysoft. Fixes the ‘reverse’ bug and adds “writeline”
- Camerasp2 An updated version of Camerasp that uses a different web server.
- tiny_nn_json A project to build a Neural Network (CNN and FFN) from JSON Input
- Camerasp Convert Raspberry Pi into a web camera using C++
- AsioFileCopy Windows specific application that demonstrates the use of Asio random access handles in a file copy application.
- Knights C++ solution to the knights problem
- MthCombination Compute Mth Combination
- GUI for BrainVita written in
- .NET / C# & WPF BrainVitaWPF
- OCaml using built-in graphics
- Qt C++
- BVitaCpp Program to compute a solution to the BrainVita game written in C++
- WienerFilter Using OpenCV
- IOCP_FileCopy Threadpool based on IO Completion port to perform fast copy
- Sudoku C++ Sudoku Solver
- BrainVitaFS Brain Vita solver in F#
- WaterBucket C++ solution to the Water Buckets Problem
Form Follows Function
Landing pages of many websites act like shop windows to attract viewers to shop inside. But if you are logging on to your bank you don't want a sales pitch. If you want your customers to access information such as when your shop will be open you would like a page that sticks to the task muuch like an airport where you want clear instructions to the gate for your connecting flight. You may have pretty ads on the side but lost customers cost an airport more money than the revenue from an ad.
In exactly the same way, your website must help the visitor to figure out easily if they are interested in pursuing your page. That does not meean the page has to be bland but it does mean that the page should not distract the visitor from the task at hand. Of course you may make more money by inticing the customer with impulse purchases but you don't want that situation when your employees are accessing the company website. Every minute wasted browsing useless stuff is paid for by your shareholders or in a public service site by your tax payers.